22 May 2020

School News

  • The calendar for 2020/2021 has been published on the school website. It is subject to change due to Covid-19 regulations. Detailed guidelines from the Department of Education and Skills are awaited in respect of measures to be taken in schools ahead of a September re-opening.
  • We extend best wishes to 4th year students who will conduct Loreto’s first ever “Remote Graduation” on Tuesday next, 26 May at 18.00 using MS Teams.
  • The 6th year Graduation Service will take place in the school in September, subject to public health regulations prevailing at the time.
  • The replacement of the surface on the hockey pitch is due to commence in mid-July and is to be ready for school use on and from 1 September.


Remember – you’re the Class of 2020

Don’t just remember the last nine weeks,

When we all turned into technological geeks,

Where we could only e-mail, OneNote or chat on Teams,

And it was my only way of telling you to hold onto your dreams.


Remember the times we learned in class,

Or when we went to Rowe Street or Clonard for mass,

Remember the shows, the matches, the sports days, the trips,

And how I always tried my best to give you advice and tips.


You got to enjoy the 150th celebration,

And experience the move to our beautiful new location,

You were encouraged Mary Ward’s values to employ,

Truth, Freedom, Justice, Sincerity and Joy.


The academic subjects are full of benefits,

But they are nothing without emotional intelligence,

I want you to get a job where you’ll be brilliant,

But mostly I want you to be happy… and resilient!!


The last nine weeks may stick in your mind,

But I hope that in the future you will find….

That your Loreto journey was much far longer

And the last nine weeks only made you stronger!!


If you can get through that, you can get through plenty,

Because you are the amazing Class of…. 2020!!!


From Your Guidance Counsellor – Lorraine Kelly

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