12 January 2021

Return to School

The serious deterioration in the Covid-19 situation over the past few weeks has led to a return to remote teaching and learning for the month of January.

Details of how the school will operate during this period were issued by email to students and a letter to families in recent days.

The school commits to maintaining close contact with all stakeholders in the coming weeks as we hope for a return to more normal schooling from the start of February.

The Minister for Education and Skills has issued a letter to parents that may be accessed by clicking here.

School Office

The school office will be open each weekday from 08.30 to 15.30 during the month of January. Enquiries may be addressed to reception@loretowexford.com or 053-9146162.

Latest News

Any items for inclusion in the latest news section of our website and App can be emailed to principal@loretowexford.com.

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